
Louis Vuitton is a luxury brand is sold around the world. It is the standard when it comes to luxury handbags and LV's Monogram bags have become the standard of luxury fashion companies, the other trying to get. The company launched "operation, almost 150 years ago, began" selling passenger baggage. Necessary to the great high-end customers who want the steamer trunk luggage and a new series of the highest quality leather, so they believe, will withstand long-distance travel.

The company became known as the STD logo brand handbags low this is a brown canvas material with the council or the thin oxide. The brand has grown to be known as the handbag is and the world famous Rolex. Every year, they introduced a new style and design. A few years ago, a best-selling book is not white Murakami bag is by the famous architect and the name of Sami. Marc Jacobs is also a famous designer Louis Vuitton handbags This helps to continue to be the best designer handbags.

For the fall of 2010 the company returned to its growing line of what is a good price Brown Logo. The company even hired the famous Rock and Rolls Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards will be there to the new campaign. They are trying to standard Louis Vuitton 2010  Brown back into the focus of the company, because it is a bread and butter. Brown will also have a logo with the exotic combination of the details of dealing with such a snake, ostrich decoration. Ready for the latest design in order to reach your store soon low.


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    One world.One dream.

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