
Every woman loves to have an exclusive item like exclusive designer handbags in their wardrobe. Whether they are looking at an elegant Hermes bag, a delicate Chanel bag or a Luxurious Louis Vuitton, designer bags can transform the entire look. When you have a bag from such big labels they are a possession that transports you to a whole new level of fashion and class. If you know your brands, you will know what to invest in and what to look for. It is important to keep yourself familiar with the models in the market so you know how to spot an original and grab it.

Spotting authentic deals online

When shopping louis vuitton bags online many people find it difficult to spot an original from a fake. Firstly only buy designer handbags from a trusted website. If you think the site is a trusted one that has been selling these handbags then go ahead and splurge but if it is a new one offering 'unbelievable' prices, chances are it's a clever replica. These brands are exclusive because of the price, so if you are planning to buy one for yourself or as a gift, you might as well spend all that money on the real thing.

Check the website thoroughly and make sure they are the authorized dealers for the brand you are looking to buy. It is wiser to buy directly from the authorized website for the brand than other louis vuitton bags online shop  If the website does not offer a guarantee or return offer should you find it to be inauthentic then do not buy from them. The authentic ones will be confident of no returns as they sell only the best and authentic goods. Also look for a street address listing when it comes to buying online and a phone number that you can verify.

Labels and little details

Another point to look at is the labels on the designer handbags. If you are thinking of buying a Louis Vuitton 2010 or Chanel look for a made in Italy or made in France label. If the label says made in China or Japan it's a fake. Also look at the logo closely. An authentic Chanel bag will have interlocking C's turned outward. Make sure you know the features of the collections of each brand so you can examine it closely to pick out the real thing. Also avoid the stores offering high quality designer bags, because these brands are high quality and there is no need to re-emphasize that unless they are selling high quality replica bags or something.

Another important detail to verify on designer handbags is the serial number. Every original will have a unique serial number in the interior of the bag. In case of Chanel it will be on a white label on the inside with the Chanel logo in gold printed on it. There will also be a clear tape covering the label with the serial number and it should also match the number on the authenticity card that comes with the purchase.

For more on designer handbags and handbags for tips to buy the best one for your needs, visit the website

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    One world.One dream.

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