
There are many ways to find a fake Louis Vuitton bag. I had to be demolished and some of the research. I will cover some obvious things to find!

Sellers of fake Louis Vuitton bag seems to be the case, they do not leave out some very obvious signs to tell our story. These principles can be used cheap Louis Vuitton bags 2010 for each.

Louis Vuitton label, should not label the numbers on this blue print. It should not have a blue number anywhere. Retailers seem to be, because they prove this to believe to be true, as the bag of these markers. If a page printed to avoid down the tag number on the bag clearly.

The bags do not have this number on the label, but it has a big clue that this is wrong. Around the plastic handle. It looks cheap. About circumvent some Louis Vuitton handbags luggage, if they are new, but to protect the most do not sell plastic bags. If a package has been used or have been a display model of the plastic should not be there. Since there is no such thing, Louis Vuitton wholesale consideration, the sellers receive when out of the plastic bags still in treatment.

Most fakes have paper everywhere to protect the hardware file. These bags zip about Alma and handling, you can even see some around each rivet file.

The price-check one of the easiest ways when a packet is wrong, simple as just looking for the price. If more than 50% from the same cheap Louis Vuitton bags , the retail price of less that is a fake.

Louis Vuitton bags do not sell wholesale. Even if they store their bags in the cost of 1,500 yuan / sell them £ 825 not to be 75 per wholesale to other suppliers can sell you 150th This is not economically viable. If the bag is for sale already in the possession of the owners want to know why they sell their tenth its value. I know that if I have a bag in 1500 Yuan / £ 825 I hope that spent at least half the price in the back when I sold. I can continue to Louis Vuitton and hold to stop them, then sell the profit.

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